Mahmoud Khairy (7ooot)
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Welcome to MAHMOUD KHAIRY'S Page
Besm Alah al rahman al raheem wa beh nasta3een. I'm Mahmoud Khairy a young muslim born in 1978 and I'm Engineering Electronics AAST. I love Allah and then I like computers, I hate electronics it's very hard to learn. I am married to someone that cares for Islam as well.
Aims and Goals
- I'm intrested in one thing most which is religion. I'm sure if we all continue on sticking to our religion we will live in a better world.
- I believe we all should contribute in the war
against the real terror which is Israel,at
least with do3aaa2
- I hate the Unfair American Stratigy towards the middle east.
this was taken by me in my car at sinai

Alwessam for Orphans care
Alwessam is dar lere3ayet al aytaam. if u would like to add a smile on an orphan's cheek the Join this and Try to take it seriously.

This is very easy join this URL to see
Go to Alwessam ? Click here

Finally Remember that Allah is there
I'm sure Allah is hearing us and seeing us. Try as much as u can not to disobey Allah.

Wessam Mohamed el Mahdy Fareed
My best friend wessam that passed away in december 2000.
See his web site

Thanks Allah For everything we know and don't know